CDM (Chronic Disease Management) Medicare Referrals

Patients may be eligible for up to five Medicare-rebated private allied health services (including Osteopathy) each calendar year, when managed under a Chronic Disease Management (CDM) care plan that is organised by their GP.

This referral will be made at the discretion of the managing GP and may include referral to one or more allied health practitioners to assist in the management of a chronic medical condition.

Drouin Osteopathy accepts GP-referred CDM patients and will communicate with the referring GP as per the Medicare requirements at the beginning and end of the referral cycle.

Drouin Osteopathy is not a bulk-billing practice, therefore there is an out of pocket payment for CDM treatments. The fee of the Osteopathy service is first paid and the Medicare-rebate can be processed on the spot via the eftpos/HICAPS terminal.
Please remember to bring with you your Medicare card and a bank debit card (not credit card) so that the rebate can be processed.

The current Medicare-rebate is $54.60, updated July 01 2020.
Please see below the fee schedule with gap payments for both full-fee and concession patients.

CDM fee table.jpg

If you have any further questions regarding your CDM referral you would like to discuss before your appointment, please feel free to call the clinic on 0448 408 104.

Thank you,
Drouin Osteopathy.